Wivenhoe diversion safety concerns - Essex County Council responds

Essex County Council has responded to criticism from Wivenhoe councillor Mark Cory about the safety implications caused by diverted traffic from the ongoing cyclepath works in Wivenhoe (see earlier article here). They have now instigated a one-way system on Elmstead Road in a bid to reduce accidents and improve safety.
Both Liberal Democrat councillors in Wivenhoe have now responded to this change. Cllr. Jon Manning told the Gazette: "It just seems like one botched job after another and they are just sticking plasters over things. We are now just going to have the problem moved to an even more dodgy exit on an even quicker bit of road. The one way system is great but they should keep at least half of the road open, I don't see why they had to close it."
Cllr. Mark Cory told the paper that "Nothing surprises me any more, it's an absolute joke. The lack of communication is one of the biggest issues, there's an ignorance and lack of care for residents. I have not been exaggerating this, there has been, and will be, more accidents."
The full article, including details of the official diversion and the latest changes can be read here.
For details of the roadworks, see Essex County Council's website, here.